Archive for November 14th, 2008

November 14, 2008

in less than a second

by letters2soulmate

Dear Soulmate,

I thought I saw you today. I was crossing the street at a red light when I looked up and through a see of strangers your eyes caught mine. It was just a fleeting moment. Then it was gone and we both walked away, lost into the shuffle of city life.

boston mist

It was as if we shared an entire relationship in less than a second.

This must mean that when we finally do meet, looking at you for even a minute will feel like a lifetime. That’s the thought that carried me happily home through the misty Friday afternoon.

I cannot promise that I will write to you every day, but I can promise that I will be thinking of you every moment and those in between. You are always with me, somehow, despite how crazy that may seem.

All my love, R