Archive for December 10th, 2008

December 10, 2008


by letters2soulmate

Dear Soulmate,

Rainy, mildly warm days like today make me want to stroll through art galleries and museums- or at least wish I had the time for such endeavors.

It’s always amusing how the end of the year turns into a frantic shuffle- like we are all trying to pack the rest of 2008 into a few jumbled weeks of running errands and making sure we find that perfect gift for everyone who made our year so special.

The end of the year for me is more of a quiet time, a reflective time.

Because a lot goes on in a year that no one really remembers until it’s over.

Picture your new year’s resolution, your birthday, where you went for valentine’s day, or even that perfectly wonderful, ordinary day where everything fell into the right place. Where were you when spring shifted into summer? Do you remember the conversation with an old friend that made you laugh and made you think how grateful you are to have them in your life? Think back to the telephone calls, the e-mails, the letters you may have not expected to arrive in your mailbox, addressed to you.

In all of this, I bet you remember love.

Because it’s timeless.

I hope that as the year draws to a close that you remember more than just the holidays- that you remember everything so that you may look back on 2008 with fondness and recall all the wonderful things, however great or small, that made your year truly spectacular.

Love, R