Archive for May 30th, 2009

May 30, 2009

in and out of love

by letters2soulmate

Dear Soulmate,

To say that I have been doing some soul-searching lately would be an understatement. Lately I feel as though I have been falling in and out of old dreams. Love, nonetheless.

And the only thing more complicated than falling in love is falling in and out of it all day long.

As I was out driving the other day I began to think about monogamy. Perhaps all the Sex and the City episodes I have watched are finally catching up to me, but for whatever reason I feel more discouraged about relationships and real love than I ever did before.

Maybe it’s not practical- to be with one person for your whole life. How can we expect to feel the same way for someone forever when half of us don’t even know what we are going to do tomorrow.

But more importantly, is being in love worth falling in love?

Of course if I knew the answer to all these questions then I would most certainly not be sitting inside on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, wondering where you are.

Love, R